
Write in Hindi on Facebook, Twitter or Anywhere on Web

Do you want to write in Hindi on Facebook, Twitter or any other website? Its very easy to type in Hindi using the Google’s Transliterate feature. You can go to Google’s Transliteration Tool type in Hindi, or any other supported regional language, and copy paste it on any website.

However, instead of visiting the Transliteration Tool again and again, you can install the Hindi Transliteration bookmarklet directly in your browser to type in Hindi anytime you want.

First make sure that you are using Firefox web browser. If not, then download and install it. I highly recommend Firefox browser.

Now, Drag and drop [अ Type in Hindi] on your bookmarks toolbar. If you don’t see the bookmarks toolbar, then click on, View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar, to enable it. Then drag and drop the bookmarklet on it.

That’s it. Now visit any website like Facebook, Twiter etc. And when you want to type in Hindi, just click on the bookmarklet and start typing. To stop typing in Hindi, just click on it one more time.

Prasad R.Suvarna